Let Duhbya Protect You!

You may have read about BushCo subpoenaing Google to provide

a massive amount of random data — which could include your queries. Kudos to Google for standing up to the Department of Justice. And

brickbats to Yahoo for giving in without a squeak.

Take a look at what all these fine companies are willing to do to work with China and wonder what they won’t do to stay in business in AmeriCo. mjh

Analysis: Google Case Raises New Questions –

Forbes.com By TOM RAUM

Already on the defensive about its domestic spying program, the Bush administration has alarmed privacy

and free-speech advocates by demanding search information from millions of users of Google and other Internet companies.


moves raise questions about how far the government should be allowed to go to probe into American homes. The administration is pushing

back hard, defending its surveillance as helping to protect the nation from terrorism and, to a lesser extent, shield minors from


Critics see the moves as an unwarranted expansion of presidential authority.

Yahoo China journalist – Yahoo helped Chinese to prosecute


China’s tangled Web

U.S. companies enable China censorship, critics say
Have U.S.

high-tech giants helped China bring the Internet to heel?

Microsoft Defends Censoring a Dissident’s

Blog in China

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