In NM: Kerry–52% Bush–42.2%

New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan

“August may be a do or die month for the President,” opined one top Republican who has worked at all levels of politics. “The real trouble for Bush is not just in the horse race, but in how voters here feel about the direction of the country. Only 39% believe the country is on the ‘right track’ compared to 57% who feel it’s on the ‘wrong track.”

The grim numbers for Team Bush are as follows: Kerry–52% Bush–42.2% Nader–0.9%. That’s a 9.8% lead for Kerry, the largest of the five Zogby polls conducted thus far and the second one that has put him over the magic 50% level. The margin of error in the poll, done July 19-23, is plus or minus 4.4%. 499 New Mexicans participated.

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