I’m Feeling . . . Surveilled

I’m Feeling . . .

Surveilled By Eugene Robinson

Google is able to know too much, and I guess it’s no surprise that the Bush administration

wants in on the action. The Justice Department’s demand to see an entire week’s worth of Google searches looks to me like an attempt by

the administration to get its foot in the door, and if I’m right, it’s even more of an Orwellian threat than the National Security

Agency’s snooping on phone calls and e-mails. …

When we ask a question of Google, it’s akin to being in the privacy of the

confessional. We lay ourselves bare.

Google is right to resist the Justice Department’s overreaching subpoena. Cyber-privacy is

going to be one of the great issues of the coming years

I wonder if reports are correct that Google

isn’t standing up for freedom against an Imperial President but, rather, trying to protect trade secrets. If the latter is true, Duhbya

should fall over backwards for a corporate friend — oh, but maybe Google doesn’t pay-to-play? mjh

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