How Can We Miss Him If He Won’t Go Away?

ABQjournal Opinion: Letters

Only 300-Plus Days Left of Bush

AS I LISTENED to the president’s final State of the Union address, all I could think of was, thank God that there are only 357 days left of the most incompetent administration since Warren Harding.

It was apparent from the speech that this president is out of touch with the American people and doesn’t realize that “it’s the economy, stupid.” With the economy in shambles and in or near a recession, a few words of reassurance would have been helpful and uplifting.

This president is so engaged in the war in Iraq that he fails to recognize that people are concerned with health-care costs, fuel prices, the mortgage crisis and the looming recession.

I find it hard to believe that the president would not give us any hope that the war in Iraq will end any time soon even when two-thirds of the American people want an end to this mistake. Instead, he still tries to peddle his misconceived notion that he can bring democracy to the Middle East.

One can only hope that in the next 357 days, Mr. Incompetent will not screw up the country any further.


Killing Never Solved Anything

BARBARIANS. As I listened to President Bush’s State of the Union address that word came into my mind. Our president was talking about killing people in foreign lands, and our elected representatives were cheering wildly.

I am a veteran and a retired employee of Veterans Affairs. I know a little bit about our military’s victims— both intended and collateral. One of my mottoes has become “if you have to hurt someone to solve a problem, you are the problem.” Barbarians would disagree.


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