Hot Air About Gore

Think tank: a group that exists solely to promote one-sided views, about which its members give no thought. A self-aggrandizing term used by people with no sense of irony, like gentlemen’s club. Thugs with certificates.

Free-market: a conservative view that government exists to bolster business and leave individuals to fend for themselves.

Free-market think tank: a propaganda machine meeting at Hooters and saving the receipts for tax deductions. Gore’s Real ‘Inconvenient Truth’? By JAKE TAPPER

Armed with two years of Al Gore’s utility bills, a Tennessee think tank blasts the former vice president for environmental hypocrisy.

The windbags in the echo chamber are blowing hard today. It’s almost funny to hear people claim there is no human cause to global warming (itself a shift from outright denial of any warming a few years ago) AND castigate Gore for his contribution to global warming. Oh, I know, “it’s the hypocrisy.” Let’s not go there, people. If you’ve never done anything someone else finds hypocritical, you must live without any human contact. We’re all hypocrites from time to time or, if you can’t stand that, we’re all subject to the accusation, fairly or not. Leave it to conservatives to feign shock at human nature — that’s how out-of-touch conservatism is.

Let’s do an environmental impact statement of the endless war in Iraq. Or the White House. Or Dick Cheney.

Why did the long knives of conservatives flash today? Gore’s performance at the Oscars scares them. It wasn’t wooden. Conservatives have to think of a whole new set of accusations. As Iraq proves, conservatives are great at destroying things. mjh – Al Gore Changing His Mind About the White House? – Celebrity Gossip By Roger Friedman

Gore’s triumphant display at the Academy Awards on Sunday night certainly bolstered his ego if not his standing. And standing he got — an ovation inside the Kodak Theatre that not many ever receive.

On Saturday night, Gore made a surprise appearance at the home of billionaire Clinton backer Ron Burkle. This was not a coincidence. The event was for Armani, and Gore is not a fashionista, but he knew this was the place to be. And even though Burkle is committed for now to Hillary Clinton, he has plenty of money to share with other candidates if his main goal is to see a Democrat in office.

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