For All Junkies, the Next Score is the Most Important

Since Congress is dragging it’s feet on addressing our country’s shortage on oil, I have made a bumper sticker I think we should get out to everyone to get this back on the front burner. I am attaching the simple design with a PDF. I am willing to make and sell these to anyone who wants one. All I ask is a $5 donation to go to help fund conservative, logical thinking congressmen’s campaigns across the nation. For each $5 political contribution, I will donate the profit of $2.50 each to a candidates that are Pro-Anwar drilling.

Thanks…. I enjoy your blog….


Well, this is certainly a different tone from Jeff’s recent comment. I do have to wonder if Kim has ever read my blog.

Kim’s bumpersticker says “Drill ANWR” and features a giant drill bit. I take that to mean “screw everything” — whether intended or not.

The ANWR obsession is particularly strange. First, ANWR was part of a earlier compromise — you get to destroy this big area, we get to keep this small area. So, now non-conserving Conservatives are proud to be known as unwilling to stand by previous agreements? Or is this just a flip-flop?

Second, if drilling were approved tomorrow, how long before oil from ANWR morphed into gas in your tank? I’ve heard 10 years, but let’s just say that’s exaggerated. Five years? In five years, the price per gallon will be well over $5.

Finally, at least among enviro-whackos, the potential output from ANWR is predicted to be relatively small compared to our bottomless thirst. Doesn’t it seem that in 5 to 10 years we could set our sights on saving more than ANWR would ever pump?

It should be clear to everyone: we will not drill our way out of this hole. mjh

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