Democrats FOR Bush?

Democrats for Bush/Cheney 2004

I am a lifelong Democrat, and yes, I do work for a Democrat in the Arizona Legislature.

I started this site after talking with a former college friend and classmate, Josh from BushBlog2004, about how I’ve just been dismayed at how my party swayed from the ideals I hold so dear. He set up the site at my request, and when I see a story in the news or on the internet that proves my point again, I bring it here to share with a small corner of the world. I’m an avowed Democrat, I voted for Clinton twice as well as Gore. If some of my fellow Democrats could get passed their absolute hatred, they would be surprised to see how central Bush’s agenda really is. Do I agree with the President on every issue? No – I’m pro-choice, and I’m not happy at many of the environmental restrictions that have been rolled back, and the fiscal mismanagement is reason to be angry. But are we better off with him at the helm, are we a safer nation because of his actions in Iraq and the war on Terror. You bet your ass we are. The next time you want to shout AWOL – remember that merely 12 years ago we were screaming at Republicans for attacking our candidate for avoiding the draft. The next time you want to scream about the War in Iraq being an act of unilateralism, remember how we backed our Democratic President for going to NATO, not the UN, to oust Milosevic in the Bosnia.

It’s a reminder of just how far the Radical Right has pushed its agenda that a Democrat can refer to Bush as a Centrist. mjh

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