Crushing Dissent in America

John Timoney

BENTLEY KILLMON: They say Homeland Security, it’s homeland suppression. This is not America.

KATHLEEN HUGHES [NOW Correspondent]: At least 234 people were arrested, and before it was over, police had fired over a thousand rounds of rubber bullets and other projectiles. …

Miami’s Chief of Police John Timoney says police face a new reality in confronting dissent as a result America’s War on Terror. … Timoney, is proud of what his force accomplished at the FTAA protests [Free Trade Area of the Americas, November 20, 2003]. …

CHIEF TIMONEY: And so, this was the first big event for Homeland Security which includes a whole host of federal agencies including Coast Guard and Customs and things like that. It really was the first real, realistic, if you will, run-through to see how it would work. And it worked pretty well. …

KATHLEEN HUGHES: Miami Police Chief John Timoney, remains convinced the actions of the anarchists, on balance, justified the police response.

CHIEF TIMONEY: These are not your father’s protesters. They’re pretty smart. They’re well organized. They’re trained. They have a game plan. They have a pre game plan. They have a game plan. They have a post game plan. You’re part of the post game plan.

KATHLEEN HUGHES: In other words you’re saying they’re manipulating–

CHIEF TIMONEY: Oh, of course. Without a doubt. Without a doubt. Without a doubt. Cause I could tell by the questions and the stuff you’re asking that you’re another pawn in the post game show. That’s all.

KATHLEEN HUGHES: So– in other words by questioning what happened–

CHIEF TIMONEY: No. No. You’re allowed to question. But it’s the type of questions– what you’re alleging– you’re alleging things that didn’t happen. But you– you know you– you– you’re doing the bidding. You’re looking for sound bytes. You’ll get all that and that’s fine.

KATHLEEN HUGHES: Timoney charges that a journalist’s questions are part of a plot against the police. …

Remember that 87 billion dollar emergency appropriations bill for the rebuilding of Afghanistan and Iraq? It included eight and a half million dollars for security at the Miami FTAA meeting.

JIM DEFEDE [columnist at the MIAMI HERALD]: We spent you know, in a bill designed to provide billions of dollars to bring democracy and ordering stability to Iraq, we were able to funnel off eight and a half million dollars to do just the opposite in Miami.

The government’s growing crackdown on dissent NOW with Bill Moyers.

You should see and hear Miami Police Chief John Timoney. His is the bland face of American Fascism. Self-righteous and paranoid. mjh

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