WWSD? What Would Scooter Do?

Remember that Duhbya was

going to restore dignity and honor to the White House, at the same time he united the country. Missions unaccomplished. mjh

White House Ethics, Honesty Questioned
55% in Survey Say Libby Case Signals

Broader Problems
By Richard Morin and Claudia Deane, Washington Post Staff Writers

A majority of Americans say the indictment

of senior White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby signals broader ethical problems in the Bush administration, and nearly half say the

overall level of honesty and ethics in the federal government has fallen since President Bush took office, according to a new Washington

Post-ABC News survey.

The poll, conducted Friday night and yesterday, found that 55 percent of the public believes the Libby case

indicates wider problems “with ethical wrongdoing” in the White House, while 41 percent believes it was an “isolated incident.” And by a

3 to 1 ratio, 46 percent to 15 percent, Americans say the level of honesty and ethics in the government has declined rather than risen

under Bush.

In the aftermath of the latest crisis to confront the White House, Bush’s overall job approval rating has fallen to

39 percent, the lowest of his presidency in Post-ABC polls. Barely a third of Americans — 34 percent — think Bush is doing a

good job ensuring high ethics in government, which is slightly lower than President Bill Clinton’s standing on this issue when he left


The survey of 600 randomly selected Americans represents a snapshot of initial reactions to the Libby


Criminalizing politics by Robert

Novak [Yes, THE Robert Novak]

In today’s polarized climate, both parties have contributed to the criminalization of politics.

But Democrats, losers in both elections and the world of ideas, have turned to using the criminal process over the last two decades. …

Big of Novak, whose central role in the “Plame Affair” is still undercover, to allow that “both parties”

have had a role in something he despises the Democrats for doing. Yes, indicting Scooby (sic) Libby for perjury is the same as impeaching

the President. mjh

The Criminalization of Criminals by James Moore

Leaking the names of CIA agents is not politics; it is

a crime. Lying to congress about evidence for a war is not politics; it is a crime. Failing to tell a grand jury that you met

with a reporter and talked about the CIA agent is not forgetfulness; it is a crime. Deceiving your entire nation and frightening children

and adults with images of nuclear explosions in order to get them to support a bloody invasion of another country is not politics; it is

a crime. Anyone other than Karl Rove and Lewis Libby and Tom Delay who does not get this, please raise your hand. The three of you will

need to stay after class for further instruction in civics.

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