Conservatives Against Bush

Republicans and conservatives need to recognize Bush is NOT one of them. He is either the leader of the Radical Right or their dim-witted tool — it doesn’t matter which is true. He is changing everything as fast as he can. mjh

Bush’s Budget for 2005 Seeks to Rein In Domestic Costs

As he completes work on his budget, Mr. Bush faces criticism from conservatives, who say he has presided over a big increase in federal spending, and liberals, who say his tax cuts have converted a large budget surplus to a deficit.

Total federal revenues have declined for three consecutive years, apparently the first time that has happened since the early 1920’s. But in those years, from 2000 to 2003, total federal spending has increased slightly more than 20 percent, to $2.16 trillion last year.

Brian M. Riedl, an economist at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said: “President Bush is not focusing on his fiscal conservative base right now. He’s trying to position himself in between conservatives in Congress and the Democratic Party. It may be good politics, but it’s bad policy, a lost opportunity to get runaway government spending under control.”

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One thought on “Conservatives Against Bush”

  1. Bush is indeed no conservative of any kind.

    Talking to a young Republican today is like talking to a state loving FDR fascist of the 1930’s. When did “conservatism” become nothing

    more than military worship, love of war, and cheap jingoism (Freedom fries)?

    That is not the conservatism I recognize.

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