Bush gets organized

2004 Is Now for Bush’s Campaign By Dan Balz and Mike Allen, washingtonpost.com

Bush’s campaign Web site already has signed up 6 million supporters, 10 times the number that Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean has, and the Bush operation is in the middle of an unprecedented drive to register 3 million new Republican voters. …

The entire project, which includes complementary efforts by the Republican National Committee (RNC) and state Republican parties, is designed to tip the balance in a dozen-and-a-half states that both sides believe will determine the winner in 2004.

“I’ve never seen grass roots like this,” said a veteran GOP operative in one of the battleground states. …

Having the biggest presidential campaign treasury ever — more than $105 million raised already and heading toward $170 million — and no primary opposition gives Bush the luxury of focusing now on general-election organizing. …

Thus, the Bush team is trying to build an army of millions of volunteers to go door-to-door next year to talk to potential voters.

If Bush’s huge warchest of campaign funds and this massive organization effort alarm you, as they do me, DO SOMETHING! Above all, register and get everyone you know to register. Create your own website or blog. Contribute money and time to some candidate. mjh

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