American Taliban

Scientists Say Administration Distorts Facts By JAMES GLANZ, NYTimes

More than 60 influential scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, issued a statement yesterday asserting that the Bush administration had systematically distorted scientific fact in the service of policy goals on the environment, health, biomedical research and nuclear weaponry at home and abroad.

The sweeping accusations were later discussed in a conference call organized by the Union of Concerned Scientists, an independent organization that focuses on technical issues and has often taken stands at odds with administration policy. On Wednesday, the organization also issued a 38-page report detailing its accusations.

The two documents accuse the administration of repeatedly censoring and suppressing reports by its own scientists, stacking advisory committees with unqualified political appointees, disbanding government panels that provide unwanted advice and refusing to seek any independent scientific expertise in some cases.

“Other administrations have, on occasion, engaged in such practices, but not so systemically nor on so wide a front,” the statement from the scientists said, adding that they believed the administration had misrepresented scientific knowledge and misled the public about the implications of its policies.”

According to the report, the Bush administration has misrepresented scientific consensus on global warming, censored at least one report on climate change, manipulated scientific findings on the emissions of mercury from power plants and suppressed information on condom use.

The report asserts that the administration also allowed industries with conflicts of interest to influence technical advisory committees, disbanded for political reasons one panel on arms control and subjected other prospective members of scientific panels to political litmus tests. …

“I am concerned that the scientific advice coming into this administration seems to me very narrow,” said Dr. Drell, who has advised the government on issues of national security for some 40 years and has served in Democratic and Republican administrations, including those of Presidents Nixon and Lyndon B. Johnson. “The input from individuals whose views are not in the main line of their policy don’t seem to be sought or welcomed,” he said.

Bush and many of his supporters believe god created the universe a few thousand years ago. They ridicule the notion of global warming. They believe in ”creation science”, not evolution. They believe the Bible is literally god’s word and not subject to any intepretation (though they seem to interpret it plenty). Bush and his followers are the true American Taliban — you pray with them or they are against you. mjh

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