‘A Vote for Nader is a Vote for Our President’

”It’s a given among Republicans that a vote for Nader is a vote for our President. There have been stirrings by Republicans in other states to make sure Nader gets on their ballots, but so far there seems to be a devil-may-care attitude toward him here. I think that’s a mistake and I hope the Party gets more aggressive because that is what it’s going to take to keep this state out of Kerry’s hands,” explained one top GOP stalwart.

In Nevada this week it was disclosed that a Republican political consultant came up with cash to help Nader’s successful petition effort. And from Michigan comes word that the R’s there are also lending a helping hand to the consumer advocate’s Prez effort.

from Joe Monahan’s blog.

Here are your exclusive numbers from the Zogby Interactive Poll tracking the NM Prez race every two weeks. The poll was released yesterday (July 14). Kerry leads Bush 49% to 42%, with Nader at 3 and undecided just 6%. In the last Zogby poll released June 20, Kerry was at 50%, Bush 43 and Nader 1% and 3% undecided. Very little change. But in all four NM polls conducted by Zogby, Kerry has either led or tied Bush. The survey’s margin of error is plus or minus 4.3%. A poll of NM from American Research Group (see my July 12 report) also has Kerry leading by seven points [in New Mexico].

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