‘A Mandate for Conservative Leadership’

House GOP says the way is paved for Bush agenda=The Hill.com=
Pence: ‘Dems lost their leader. That speaks spades.’
By Jonathan E. Kaplan

House Republican lawmakers, flush with victory, said President Bush’s reelection, combined with their slightly improved margin in the House and a four-seat gain in the Senate, demonstrates public approval of how they have governed the country the past four years.

”It’s an affirmation of the direction we’ve been going,” said Government Reform Committee Chairman Tom Davis (Va.)….

Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), new chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, said: “There’s a mandate for conservative leadership in the outcome of this election. The American people have spoken in deafening terms that they want
Republican leadership in the White House and Capitol Hill.” …

“It is time for the majority to be heard.” He said he hopes Republicans will focus on changing the budget process, reforming Medicare and Social Security, defining marriage as between a man and woman and banning RU-486, a pharmaceutical used to induce an abortion.

I liked someone’s observation that more people voted against Bush than against any candidate before. That won’t even slow down the raging Right. mjh

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