A Letter to My Mother-in-Law

I’ve been meaning to write you for quite some time about the election. I’ll make some points and attach some articles. In the end, if you are still unpersuaded, I will do one more thing: I will BEG you to vote for Kerry. Please vote for Kerry. There is a chance Tennessee will go for Kerry.

There is really so much against Bush. I’m sure you are aware of much of it. Bottom line: he is secretive, he is stubborn and, more than likely, he is deceitful to a degree that exceeds Kerry and prior Presidents (and I hated Nixon just as much). Furthermore, he is a strange version of conservative and an evangelical Christian who believes his Christianity makes him a better American than you or I. Finally, because he’s not interested in all sides of an issue (close-minded), he is probably at the mercy of his inner circle, which is a frightening group of people.

Does this mean I have nothing good to say about Kerry? Not at all. Kerry is clearly smart, thoughtful, considerate, and serious. Kerry is a lawyer (and ours is a nation of laws). He’s a former prosecutor (which isn’t actually a plus to me, but might be to law-and-order types). Of course we know too much about his service in Vietnam (in contrast to Bush’s evasions). Some are troubled, even angry, about him coming back from the Vietnam War and becoming a protestor (and an activist – not just a protestor, but someone working for change). I think it shows he’s capable of recognizing a mistake and working for change; and for standing up for principles. I have no idea what he will accomplish as President. I don’t see how he can easily ‘fix’ Iraq or defeat the terrorists. But I see Bush doing more of the same OR WORSE, and Kerry looking for alternatives – that’s what we need.

As for Edwards, he’s at least as qualified to be Vice President as Quayle was; more than Spiro Agnew was. He’s smart and another lawyer (Republicans hate the thought of two lawyers in charge; Lincoln was a trial lawyer). He balances and complements Kerry in so many ways.

When it comes time to appoint two to four new Supreme Court justices, I want two lawyers who will read all of the opinions written by any potential nominees deciding who to nominate. Not a guy who will depend on a one-page Executive Summary. This is not the only issue, but it’s one that will affect the rest of my life.

Please, please, please vote for Kerry. Don’t be turned off by my hatred of Bush or my whining plea. Look beyond that to the real choice between a guy who had his chance and screwed up in so many, many ways – and has not learned from his mistakes, in part because he doesn’t believe he’s made any – versus a guy who is at least qualified and capable and more respectful of other views and the law. mjh


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