Heather Wilson is still following the Republican playbook: appear confident when confidence isn’t warranted, declare victory when it is still in doubt and act outraged when anyone dares to disagree.
Read the insolence from a Wilson spokesperson:
“If there is an honest and open counting, Heather Wilson is going to be re-elected without any questions.”
That’s right, the outcome is certain and the data will fit the results. You will not question this! Notice the acid this throws on the process: if we don’t win, you cheated. Simple. Incendiary. Rovian.
Karl Rove’s still in power (and in the front row at the Bush’s press conference). Though Rove is the Architect of Victory in the same sense as Rumsfeld, Rove has not shared Rumsfeld’s fate.
As for Rummy, did you hear his parting assertion that Bush and his cadre are the few who really understand what’s going on in this, “the first war of the 21st century” (the assumptions of that phrase nauseate me). These guys never knew what is going on, just what they wanted to be going on. They are delusional.
Can anyone tell me how many of the top people in Washington are former CIA directors? Seems like a disproportionate number, going all the way back to Duhbya’s daddy. Sure, CIA people are smart and well-informed. Never mind the secret prisons. mjh