But who will protect the global mega-corps? Republicans to the defense!

Galling:  “[BP] shouldn’t have to be fleeced and make [made] chumps…” Chumps?!  Poor BP!

Not surprisingly, Bachman ignores the independent body set up to manage the money from BP. It’s no ATM.

Think Progress » Bachmann: ‘I’m not a shill for BP.’

Before Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) became BP’s biggest fan and apologist yesterday, one of the loudest voices criticizing the Obama administration was Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who said that BP needs to stand up for itself:

“They have to lift the liability cap,” said Bachmann. “But if I was the head of BP, I would let the signal get out there — ‘We’re not going to be chumps, and we’re not going to be fleeced.’ And they shouldn’t be. They shouldn’t have to be fleeced and make chumps to have to pay for perpetual unemployment and all the rest — they’ve got to be legitimate claims.

The other thing we have to remember is that Obama loves to make evil whatever company it is that he wants to get more power from. He makes them evil, and what we’ve got to ask ourselves is: Do we really want to be paying $9 for a gallon of gas? Because that could be the final result of this.”

Think Progress » Bachmann: ‘I’m not a shill for BP.’

Good gawd, how does this fool come out of Minnesota, of all places.

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