Aggressive Incompetence

I hope you got to see Speaker Denny Hastert’s news conference. Several times during the news conference, Hastert insinuated that Democrats are behind the furor over the Foley scandal. He concluded his damage control with a litany of great Republican achievements — topped by tax cuts — versus Democrats’ lack of plan (so he says). ‘Maybe they’ve got other tactics,’ he concluded.

You know, I don’t mind doddering old men who can’t find their own asses with two hands — I plan to be one, someday. Everyone experiences moments of incompetence. What I can’t stand is an incompetent being belligerent. To be inept and attack others is scandalous — albeit the Rovian Way and the Path of Duhbya. I hope the fall is a mighty one, though I’m sure these fools will blame everyone but themselves. mjh

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