Listen to Bloggers (Updated 3/19/05)

No, seriously, listen to four of us on Saturday, when “progressive” Republican, While the Radical Right Arrests Them Both” href=””>Jim Scarantino, launches his brand new local talk radio show by having as guests the outrageous Pika Brittlebush (yes, from the BK commercial!), the playful poet Johnny_Mango and the simply outraged Mark Justice Hinton (he’ll be the crazed-looking one). Four Bloggers in Search of a Playwright. We’ll talk a bit about blogging, including how-to’s, and how we all came to the blogosphere. We’ll be answering phone calls from listeners — please, please! Remember, it’s easier to write than to do, and easier to listen than to read. Take it easy with us. Come see if it only takes one “progressive” Republican to outwit 3 unrepentant liberals and save the Republic! All the fun of poking a caged bear with a sharp stick with none of the environmental impact. mjh

The Real Side
KAGM 106.3 FM
11am to 12 noon
Sat, 3/19/05

Registered liberal Martin Heinrich says of Jim Scarantino, fellow WWF fan, “he’ll tear anyone apart whose ideology is stronger than their ideas. In other words chuck the party line crap and intelligently defend what you believe in.” These guys eat at BK every week after their testosterone treatments.

Updated 3/18/05

rebecca blood :: weblogs: a history and perspective

In 1998 there were just a handful of sites of the type that are now identified as weblogs (so named by Jorn Barger in December 1997).

Update 3/19/05

mjh’s Blog: Radio Postscript

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