He’s Coming Back! – Updated 3-15

ABQjournal: Bush To Push Plan in N.M.

WASHINGTON? President Bush is expected to visit New Mexico? possibly next week? as part of his national tour to drum up support for his Social Security reform proposals.

In a speech in Louisiana on Friday, Bush said he was going to “head out West” to New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona after visiting Florida next week.

White House Spokesman Taylor Gross confirmed that the president would be visiting New Mexico as part of his Social Security tour but declined to release the exact date or town.

Hey, Duhbya, You're Fired!

Dump Bush photos by mjh

Update 3-15

ABQjournal: Around New Mexico
Bush Coming To Albuquerque

WASHINGTON — President Bush will visit Albuquerque next week as part of his national tour to promote Social Security reform, the White House announced Monday.

Bush will arrive in Albuquerque next Monday [3/21] and will spend the night at an unspecified location.

On Tuesday morning [3/22], he will lead a town-hall style discussion about his proposal to invest a portion of Social Security revenues in private investment accounts, said White House spokesman Taylor Gross.

Gross said details, such as when and where in Albuquerque the town hall event will be held and who will be invited to attend, will be released later this week.


Wednesday, March 23, 7:00 PM

UNM Law School, Room 2401

Stanford Drive, north of Lomas, south end of golf course
All are welcome ? bring your friends

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