ABQjournal: Vocal Protesters Object To Bush Social Security Plan
By Miguel Navrot, Journal Staff Writers
Demonstrators riled over a proposed Social Security overhaul gathered to chant and yell Tuesday morning as President Bush made his pitch to Albuquerque.
Authorities reported no arrests, and the demonstrations remained peaceful.
“Worst. President. Ev-errrr,” chanted dozens on Civic Plaza [mjh: my source said there were about 50 protesters], walking in a circle. Uniformed officers and sheriff’s deputies, plus civilian-dressed security, stood by, only asking protesters to stay behind the yellow tape. …
Tuesday’s protest began on the sidewalk of the U.S. District Courthouse on Lomas NW, where motorists were urged to honk in favor of their opposition. Across Lomas, a smaller, pseudo-counter demonstration group gave their approval of Bush.
“Well, we just think that Bush is doing a wonderful job by privatizing Social Security,” said a woman who identified herself as “Iona Millions” of the irony-steeped group Billionaires for Bush. Studded in rhinestones, Millions and fellow Bush backer “Mr. Warbucks” said Bush’s proposal would go far in “supporting our Wall Street brokers.”
“Our stocks in Halliburton, Bechtel and General Electric have done wonderfully,” Millions said. “So what if a few people had to die in the process?”
From the federal courthouse, the demonstration moved to Civic Plaza for an hour more of high-decibel Bush denunciation.
Headline on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal:
Bush Makes His Case
Headline writers have a lot of power. Many people skim the paper, noticing photos and headlines more than reading the paper. So, it isn’t just semantics to quarrel with “Bush MAKES His Case.” Not so — he presents his case, he tries to make his case (and, apparently, succeeds with the headline editor). Put that headline in a huge font under an inspiring photo of Bush and you tell a different story.
Inside, on the editorial page, cartoonist Trever marries Schiavo to Social Security to suggest the Democrats are brain-dead on the later. Hmmm. So far, Bush has put ONE SINGLE idea forward repeatedly: personal, private, individual accounts. Even the White House admits those will do NOTHING to shore up Social Security. Bush said at a press conference that he wasn’t going to put any ideas forward because the first idea is always shot down. That’s Leadership: rouse the rabble, frighten the masses, offer a sham. Worst. President. Ever. mjh