Today, the Abqjournal endorsed all three “conservative” Republican candidates for US House offices. Two of these guys are deep in the oil and gas industry. Steve Pearce is rich. What’s wrong with that? Oh, nothing.
Two years ago, “conservatives” mocked the notion of Change We Can Believe it, even after 8 years of unbelievable incompetence. Now, two years later, they want to change everything back. Don’t let them do this.
Note, when I say “don’t them do this,” I don’t mean “take up arms,” as a “conservative” would. The overwhelming number of registered Democrats need to vote for Democrats and stiff-arm the Mad Hatters. We’re not done yet. You had your turn (and fucked up royally).
Both parties are totally fucked, how do you not see that? Honestly, you don’t have to be a genius to realize the two party system is to blame for most of our woes.