Save ANWR and Other Public Lands

Call New Mexico’s Senator Domenici and Representative Wilson

and tell them to STOP the sell-off of our Public Lands!

Representative Wilson
(202) 225-6316
Local: (505) 346-6781

Sen. Domenici
(202) 224-6621
Local: (505) 346-6791

This week, the House and Senate are expected to hash out the

Final version of the Budget Bill. There are still two very BAD provisions that need to be defeated in both the House and Senate

versions of the bill.

House Bill, Pombo Mining Provision: A provision that would allow the holders of mining claims to

buy America’s public lands. At least 6 million acres of public land, and possibly as much as 350 million acres, could wind up in the

hands of private buyers if this provision passes. Call Representative Wilson and tell her to vote to remove the Pombo Provision, which is

anoutrageous raid on our public lands.

For more information on the Pombo Mining Provision:

Senate Bill, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: There is still a provision

in the Senate version of the Budget Bill that would open the Arctic Refuge to full-scale oil and gas development. This provision is out

of the House Bill and it must be removed from the Senate Bill. Call Senator Domenici and tell him that the House was smart to remove the

Arcitc Refuge from the Budget Bill, and that the Senate needs to do the same.

For more information on the Arctic National Wildlife


mjh’s blog — Selling Off Public Lands?

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