All Payne, No Brain

So, Greg Payne has joined the blovisphere (see bloviate) — these really are the times that try men’s souls.

The aptly named Payne insists he’s never been called boring — just wait a couple more days. In a week’s time he’s fallen from calling the Journal “ruffians” to posting about Zoolander. His well will run dry soon. Will his Alibi column become a rehash of blog entries?

Like most in celebrity-obsessed America, where notoriety equals importance, Payne loves his role on our small stage. He plays the bad-boy Republican, tough enough to throw coke cans at cops, smooth enough to talk the panties off Pika (he thinks). The kinda guy Zell Miller calls a wimp.

It’s not just that “witty Right Winger” is an oxymoron, it’s that wit is despised by his ilk. The Red-faced Right takes everything seriously here at the End-of-Days.

Thank Payne for warning us that the Radical Right will have its revenge for Bernie Kerik at the next opportunity. It’s good to see another Republican for adultery and misrepresentation. Nevermind that Kerik was so feckless.

Anyone who thinks Zell Miller is right about Payne should note how harshly Payne puts down fellow Republican Brad Winter for his “frustrating middle-of-the-road style.” Yeah, I hate moderation in Republicans — not that I’ve seen it in 20 years.

Payne, an outsider whose ancestors have been here fewer than 150 of the last 13,000 years, writes about the humilation he suffered at the hands of a ‘weird, weaselly, funny-looking lawyer from NEW YORK‘ (gasp!). Huh. GP doesn’t mean “Jew,” does he?

Clearly, the “unfiltered” Payne is as good for the community as untreated sewage. But, then, why treat the blogosphere any differently than the biosphere? God gave it to us to poison as we like.

Turns out reading is just too much work for his audience — it’s easier to listen to Lush Limbaugh all day and stare at Pravda, er, Fox News, all night. Someone should start a pool as to when he quits. mjh

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