ABQjournal Metro: City Adding Bus Shelters, By Lloyd Jojola, Journal Staff Writer
Albuquerque will get new bus shelters as part of an agreement with Lamar Transit Advertising.
“We’ve really had a great need for shelters, and funding has always been problematic,” Mayor Martin Chávez said at a Thursday news conference.
The City Council earlier this month approved a bus advertising contract with Lamar. As part of the deal, Lamar will build new bus shelters.
“In return,” Chávez said, “they get to put advertisements on them…”
Of the 2,814 bus stops in the city, 155 have shelters, according to the Transit Department.
About 100 new shelters will be built over the year. They will be lighted at night, using energy collected from the sun. [mjh: making this a *green* thumb in your eye!]
At the very least, the lighting on these eyesores should be restricted to times the buses run, not 24 hours a day. mjh
All trees and
vegetation should be removed from streets as they are a distraction to drivers. Tall trees block the view of the sky, cut them down.