a liberal with a liberal agenda

ABQjournal: Pelosi Leads Rowdy Rally for Madrid By Jeff Jones, Journal Politics Writer

“Nancy Pelosi is a liberal with a liberal agenda,” [Wilson spokesman Enrique Carlos] Knell said of the California Democrat and minority leader who could become speaker of the House if Democrats win a majority in November. “And she aggressively recruited fellow liberal Patricia Madrid to run for Congress so they can advance their liberal agenda together.”

[In another article,] Wilson, a spokesman said, is “focused on the serious work of the House … and not Pelosi’s and Conyers’ potential liberal agenda.”

I hope this is the year the use of the word liberal as a curse loses its magic. Liberalism has brought about many great changes in this nation and the world. Conservatism opposes change — and is, therefore, out of touch with reality. Extreme conservatism — the Radical Right — has driven the nation for 20 years. Had enough? Take back America. mjh

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