This Week’s WTF?!

ABQjournal: Letters to the Editor

The temporary global warming that we are now enjoying is indeed being caused by the same phenomenon that created the infamous “dust bowl” in the Midwest during the 1930s, namely a 40-year drought cycle. We are in the middle of another one. It, too, shall pass.

No one yet knows what causes short-term climate cycles. Real scientists think that they are the result of periodic, but not yet fully understood, solar activity. There is apparently a correlation between climate cycles and fluctuating sunspot activity. …

The important point is that there is no evidence for any over sweeping global warming caused by manmade carbon dioxide production, or any other greenhouse gas for that matter. The longer, drier summers and shorter winters we are now experiencing are a result of the 40-year cycle that we are about half way through.

In another decade or so, we will pass back into a cooler, wetter cycle like last occurred during the 1980s. At that time, I am sure the alarmists will be out again, as they were back in the 1980s, decrying the inevitable, inescapable and entirely destructive global cooling. They will, of course, exhort you to stop using valuable energy for the enjoyment of your life, because it will be needed to melt the great ice sheets. You can’t win.

Los Alamos

John has figured out the environmentalists: we live to make you miserable. Yup, all we want to do is force you to live a primitive, bleak lifestyle (like ranching, except we want to destroy that, too). Fortunately, the good people who grow rich off of your ignorance are standing up to us. Show your support by wasting something every day! Join the oxymorons at Conservatives For Waste! mjh

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