Read on for three examples of the meaning of ignoranus:
THOSE WHO fear Rush Limbaugh wants President Obama to fail, need not worry. Obama is succeeding, succeeding at what he always sought to do — destroy this country. Here is your hope and change, Obama voters. I am sure you will be happy to see America in ruins. — A.V.P.
[mjh: Don’t know how AVP failed to work socialist into this nonsense. As much as I hate the views of people like AVP, I don’t think they are out to "destroy this country." That is in spite of all the damage they have actually done.]
IS IT TIME yet to claim that the Obama administration is being run by a sinister cabal of “neolibs” whose philosophy is “Don’t let a good crisis go to waste; prolong it”? — B.E.
[mjh: Wait 8 years. In the meantime, STFU.]
I DO NOT listen to Rush Limbaugh. He’s too liberal for me. — T.K.
[mjh: I do not listen to TK — he’s too scary for me.]