Soapbox Survey

Several interesting letters Tuesday in the ABQjournal: Letters to the Editor. mjh

I give a hearty second and amen to Patricia Carpenter’s suggestion

for a live tree as the National Happy Holidays Tree. I agree it is awful to butcher a grand tree every year. New Mexico’s tree was 85

feet when selected and then trimmed to 65. What a dumb ritual.

Bob L. Easley of Placitias says Ojito is a “playground for the

urban pseudo environmentalist.” Since most people use “environmentalist” as an insult, what kind of insult is “pseudo environmentalist”?

I thank Brittmarie Perez for her thorough trashing of Dimdahl’s latest dreck.

Over in ABQjournal: Speak Up! (why is this separate on the Web?), I

almost agree with:

THE CHRISTIAN right and evangelists are no better than the Muslim terrorists. They are trying to

turn our country into their view of the world.— P.B.

Though it may be easier to live here with

our extremists than theirs.

On the other hand, I give an exasperated WTF to


LET THE PARTY begin! Now that more than 2,000 have died in Iraq, the Democrats and their allies can move full-

speed ahead with their seditious agenda. Ultimately, though, their actions will destroy this country.—


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