Journal Watch, Part 2

ABQjournal Opinion: ‘State of the Art’ Road May Be Headed South [har-har]

After U.S. 550 was completed, the Heartland

Institute, a conservative think-tank hailed the arrangement. “One key factor in the project’s success is that the state is not telling

Koch how to build the road, … (allowing) innovative practices often not available to the public sector.”


Journal Editorial deals with problems with US550, formerly NM44. In 521 words, they fail to mention Gary Johnson once. This is the

virtual Gary Johnson Memorial Highway, a road many saw as a great big thank you to conservative Republicans in the Four Corners. Gary

cheated and violated process to build this road in an outrageously unorthodox manner, all the while promising that this was the

innovative way to do things (borrow and stick us with the bill later). Now we see this was not merely incompetence but criminal. Not that

Gary will be held in any way accountable nor brilliant Republican innovations discredited. mjh

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