Cal Thomas is a selfish idiot

Cal Thomas

More than 40 million children have been killed legally in America since the Supreme Court imposed Roe vs. Wade on the nation 32 years ago next month. Democrats seem unconcerned that so many discarded members of the human family are not with us.

“Unconcerned”? Does Cal really mean Democrats are sub-human baby killers? Doesn’t he really think we delight in killing and crave more babies to quench our endless satanic appetites?

Idiot. Cal Thomas is a selfish idiot. No one wants abortion; no one likes abortion. What we want is freedom and control over our own lives. We want to decide for ourselves if and when we are ready to be parents. We don’t want our children born by accident. We don’t want our children born into dire poverty. We don’t want our children born into homes without a father or with an abusive mate. We don’t want children having children. We don’t want 50 year old women forced to bear children. We don’t want anyone forced to bear a child she isn’t able to love and care for. We don’t want our sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, girlfriends to die. We want the freedom to decide our own medical options. We don?t want old men who will never have to face this terrible choice deciding our fate.

Cal, it’s none of your goddamn business. I suggest you work to reduce poverty and to make sure everyone has access to birth control and the knowledge to use it. Then we will respect your “concern.”

Cal ends with: What would be wrong with laws that empower women through additional information, even while abortion remains legal?

What a disingenuous ass. Cal knows fully well that the Radical Right is working every day to deny information to women and to deny options. He is in no way interested in empowering or informing women. But, like the snake in the bible, he speaks pleasantly and reasonably. He says what he needs to say to advance his cause: the destruction of your freedom and rights. mjh

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