Ann Coulter, Elitist

Conservative Coulter

She frequently

called Liberals elitist and, because of their public schooling, inherently unintelligent.

Why anyone respects a

word from Ann Coulter is beyond me. She lauds the American fascist Joseph McCarthy and repudiates ALL of the people who helped bring

about the Civil Rights movement — there’s a never-ending war that built something.

The stunningly-elitist Ann Coulter says liberals,

along with being traitors and un-American, are elitists (huh?) and can’t reason because we all went to public school — what an example

of reasoning that is. Just what is the MIT of Christian home schooling, Ann? How many global-warming-denying creationists have won the

Nobel prize? Or advanced science in any way?

The self-righteous right dominates public discourse because they are

relentlessly aggressive bullies and stunningly over-confident (after all, they believe god is only on their side). One cannot discuss

color with people who only see black and white and, worse, insist that seeing color is a defect. This kind of conservative doesn’t

simply lack nuance, she despises it and ridicules the ability to see more than one aspect of an argument (critical to what used to be

called reasoning).

This has little to do with the quality of anyone’s education or faculties; it has much to do with hubris. Pride

goeth before the fall, Ann. We’ll try not to laugh too hard at your inevitable come-uppance. Not that you’ve demonstrated the slightest

compassion or grace to us. mjh

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