Am I Moral?

In the election, 20% of voters indicated “moral values” (a very vague phrase) guided their choice. Though this is a small percentage, certainly smaller than the percentage that believe all people were created equal or that there should be a wall separating church and state, nonetheless, this small percentage has us all atwitter. My question to those with such certainty: am I moral?

I have never killed, robbed or beaten anyone. If I have been cruel, I hope it was a long time ago. Am I moral?

My moral superiors need no more time or information to judge me, but let me add something. I am a middle aged white straight male who has been loyal to his beloved wife for 23 years. I own a very small business. I vote and pay taxes. I am sometimes nice to strangers. Am I moral?

I don’t mean to exaggerate, but my small circle of friends includes people not exactly like me: women, gays, some people of color, Republicans, young and old, church goers, Jews and gentiles. Am I moral?

Finally, if there is still any doubt in anyone’s mind, let me stress: I don’t believe in god and the Bible guides me less than Aesop’s Fables. I joke that I’m an “antagnostic,” one who doubts there is a god but wouldn’t like him if there were one. For some of our fellow citizens, I might as well have just shown my cloven hooves and tail. And yet, without a church or spiritual leader, I’ve lead a moderate life that just doesn’t strike me as immoral or *not* guided by moral values. At least I am not working every day to compel others to think the same way I do or become second-class citizens. I’m not exploiting cultural divisions to consolidate power and warp this country into something the Founders would revolt against. THAT would be immoral. mjh

Happy Holidays!

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