Who Is an Elitist? McCain and Palin Explain | The Trail | washingtonpost.com

Palin derides ‘elites,’ but then says she rejects labels.»

During an interview with NBC’s Brian Williams which aired tonight, Gov. Sarah Palin offered two contradictory statements in the span of just a few minutes. When asked who is “an elite,” Palin answered: “Oh, I guess just people who think they’re better than anyone else.” Moments later, here’s how Palin responded when asked if she’s a “feminist”:

I’m not gonna label myself. And I think that’s what annoys a lot of Americans – especially in a political campaign – is to start trying to label different parts of America, different backgrounds.

Who Is an Elitist? McCain and Palin Explain | The Trail | washingtonpost.com

By Juliet Eilperin
For anyone wondering exactly what constitutes an “elitist” in the eyes of GOP presidential nominee John McCain and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams has discovered the answer.

In an interview that will air tonight on the Nightly News, McCain and Palin give slightly different takes on the subject. Palin’s view? Anyone who’s snotty. McCain’s? Anyone who lives in New York or Washington, the town where he’s spent much of his time for the past quarter-century.

Here are their answers, in their own words:

WILLIAMS: Who is a member of the elite?

PALIN: Oh, I guess just people who think that they’re better than anyone else. And — John McCain and I are so committed to serving every American. Hardworking, middle-class Americans who are so desiring of this economy getting put back on the right track. And winning these wars. And America’s starting to reach her potential. And that is opportunity and hope provided everyone equally. So anyone who thinks that they are — I guess — better than anyone else, that’s — that’s my definition of elitism.

WILLIAMS: So it’s not education? It’s not income-based? It’s —

PALIN: Anyone who thinks that they’re better than someone else.

WILLIAMS: — a state of mind? It’s not geography?

PALIN: ‘Course not.

WILLIAMS: Senator?

MCCAIN: I — I know where a lot of ’em live. (LAUGH)

WILLIAMS: Where’s that?

MCCAIN: Well, in our nation’s capital and New York City. I’ve seen it. I’ve lived there. I know the town. I know — I know what a lot of these elitists are. The ones that she never went to a cocktail party with in Georgetown. I’ll be very frank with you. Who think that they can dictate what they believe to America rather than let Americans decide for themselves.

Who Is an Elitist? McCain and Palin Explain | The Trail | washingtonpost.com

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