The threat of a brokered Republican convention

I’ve been fearing this for some time. Last weekend, Maureen Dowd said there is talk of a Republican savior emerging. When I mention Jeb Bush, my liberal friends think Duhbya destroyed the brand (as he nearly did America), but look at the loons the party has taken all-too-seriously so far. A friend thinks it might be a general, a hero. Leaving less than 2 months to find the skeletons before the election.

Michigan, Arizona Prepare For Tuesday’s Primaries : NPR

ROBERTS: Now, I don’t think most Americans think their kids shouldn’t go to college for ideological reasons. The effect of all of this, David, is that people in the party – the governors who were here in Washington this weekend – are beginning to say maybe we need another candidate; maybe we need a brokered convention – a wide open convention. Now, those things tend not to happen. But there’s a tremendous amount of nervousness, particularly with a new poll out today showing President Obama beating any Republican handily and doing very well with independents.

GREENE: There’s still a chance for a fresh face in the time that we have left, is political commentator Cokie Roberts.

Michigan, Arizona Prepare For Tuesday’s Primaries : NPR

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