Rick Santorum: ‘Smart People’ Will Never Be On Our Side

The GOP called themselves the party of “Deep Thinkers” and the Vulcans just 8 years ago. Of course, Santorum (Latin for asshole — Bob Kerrey) will say he meant “the people who consider themselves smart and you dumb.” And “elite” has always pissed me off when we know one thing makes you elite in America: nauseating amounts of money.

Rick Santorum: ‘Smart People’ Will Never Be On Our Side (VIDEO)

"We will never have the media on our side, ever, in this country," Santorum said, according to BuzzFeed and a video posted by Right Wing Watch, available above. "We will never have the elite, smart people on our side, because they believe they should have the power to tell you what to do."

Rick Santorum: ‘Smart People’ Will Never Be On Our Side (VIDEO)

Suggesting your voters are dumb should be fatal, but this is the party that embraces ignorance and (self-)deception and eschews facts.

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