Republicans are the Party of Change

Small change, chump change, pocket change and — most importantly — a change for the worse.

In 2000, the GOP went wild over a dim-witted and mean governor from a big western state. Where’s the change in 2008? The GOP can’t sweep that mistake off the stage fast enough in their rush to make the same mistake again.

If you think a guy who voted 90% of the time with Duhbya — after all the abuse BushCo heaped on McCain in their do-anything-to-win campaign — is a change agent, I’ve got a Bridge to Nowhere for you. Note that with McCain’s record of differing with Bush 10% of the time, he represents the Republican concept of a maverick. (A maverick is the term they use for their friends. Traitor is what they call the rest of us.)

Meanwhile, Palin must think Duhbya is from the Rockefeller branch of the party — too damn liberal, if you ask her.

If you think McCain promises safer, surer change than Obama, recall McCain’s temper, and note the temper of his running mate. These two represent a shocking move to the Far Right and Wrong — is that change you can live with? And if McCain dies in office, President Palin will nominate the next 3 Supreme Court Justices.


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