Moderate Republicans Reappear As If From Nowhere

Note this entry is nearly 20 years old. The GOP is much worse today.

Moderate Republicans decide to take back their party just 29 days before the election. Good luck. The Radical Right calls you “RINO” — “Republican In Name Only” — and seeks to purge you from the party. The Radical Right would rather lose than compromise. mjh

[A real response to one of the moderate comments on the website:]

Proud to be Republican for George W. Bush
If you consider going to a far left Democratic party that exist today don’t let the door hit you in the ——. Shame on you for saying your a Republican. At least we are not socialist pretending to be Americans. If the Republicans are so bad, why do the Democrats have to slant their campaign to seem like they are more conservative. They can’t run on their true beliefs because mainstream America would never elect them.

“Socialists pretending to be Americans” — another diversity-loving Republican speaks up. mjh

[And another:]

With all due respect wimpy “moderates” are just another name for liberals/socialists like Mcain.

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