Left and Right Agree the Media is One or the Other

Week in Review > The Public Editor: Political Bias at The Times? Two Counterarguments.” href=”http://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/17/weekinreview/17bott.html?pagewanted=all&position=”>The New York Times > Week in Review > The Public Editor: Political Bias at The Times? Two Counterarguments.

By Todd Gitlin

The Times is not pro-Bush in the way that The Washington Times is pro-Bush, slamming John Kerry with Vietnam falsehoods week after week.

But The Times’s decorous approach to the news has often helped President Bush in three significant ways: by equating his gross deceptions with Mr. Kerry’s minor lapses; by omitting or burying news of administration activities and their consequences; and by missing the deep pattern of Mr. Bush’s prejudices and malfeasances. …

By Bob Kohn

IS The New York Times systematically biased against President Bush? Of course it is.

I couldn’t quote more of the Right’s argument because it was ad hominem. mjh

mjh’s Blog: The Vile Left

mjh’s Blog: ‘It should be he said/she said/we say — and here’s why we say it.’

mjh’s Blog: ‘It should be he said/she said/we say — and here’s why we say it.’

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