How Donald could unite the GOP

Imagine this: Before the GOP convention, Donald Trump calls a press conference. He says he’s shocked he has become a divisive figure in the party. People don’t know the real him. Hillary Clinton would destroy America and he can’t risk that. Because no one loves AmeriCo more than he does, he releases his delegates to vote their conscious on the first ballot. Let them decide who is best to lead the party to slay the monster.

This magnanimous gesture brings sighs of relief from his detractors and cries of outrage from his supporters. What do we do?, they all ask. Someone says, don’t you see, Donald is willing to sacrifice himself for the party and the nation — who better to lead us? The news can’t stop talking about his gesture. He IS a good human being, after all, and anyone who disagrees is a liar!

On the first ballot, despite some shifting, Donald wins more votes than he won in the primaries: We LOVE him! Just as he saved the party, so he will save the nation. Sieg Trump!


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