Here are some Health Care Reform changes you already benefit from

Republicans were for it until Obama joined them. Then it became unacceptable. Next time you vote, remember that every single Republican will work to completely undo the good parts of health care reform. mjh

Supreme Court Upholds Health Reform Law

What are some changes that have already taken place because of the law?

About 3.1 million young adults gained health insurance through a provision that allows them to stay on their parents’ policies until age 26. In addition, nearly 62,000 Americans with pre-existing health conditions, who would otherwise be uninsurable, gained coverage through the government’s Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans (PCIPs). Those enrolled will be able to stay in the program until it expires in 2014. At that time, they’ll be eligible to buy health insurance through state-based insurance marketplaces scheduled to be up and running by fall 2013.

Other consumer protections already in effect include:

  • The right to appeal an insurer’s decision
  • Preventive care with no co-pay
  • Guaranteed insurance coverage for children under the age of 19 with pre-existing conditions
  • Drug discounts for people on Medicare
  • No more lifetime limits on health insurance spending
  • Review of suspected unreasonable insurance rate increases
  • The requirement that insurance companies spend at least 80% of the money they collect on medical expenses (this 80/20 rule so far means 12.8 million Americans will participate in $1.1 billion in rebates from insurance companies this summer, according to the HHS)
What does this ruling mean for small businesses?

So far, an estimated 4.4 million small businesses that provide employee health insurance are eligible for a 35% tax credit to offset the cost of insurance premiums (as of mid-May 2011, only about 228,000 small business owners claimed the credit).

To qualify, a business must employ fewer than 25 employees and the average company salary must be less than $50,000. Businesses must also pay at least half of workers’ health insurance costs.

These tax credits will remain in effect, and will increase to 50% starting in 2014.

Companies with more than 50 employees will be required to provide workers’ insurance or pay a fine.

Supreme Court Upholds Health Reform Law

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