“Forbes estimates the Romney family to be worth $230 million”

ABQJournal Online » Letter: And Poor Mitt Has Only 3 Homes

Without considering the royalties from his two books, his wage as president is $400,000 per year, an amount adequate to qualify for an 80 percent mortgage, if he needed it. Forbes recently estimated the Obamas’ net worth at $6 million, most from book sales.

In contrast, Forbes estimates the Romney family to be worth $230 million. It is clear that offshore accounts and financial legerdemain are much more profitable than writing books, unless you’ve written the “Harry Potter” series.

So there, Mr. Shaut, there is nothing to worry you any longer. You have a choice between a Midwest writer and law professor, or else a Wall Street leveraged buy-out artist.



ABQJournal Online » Letter: And Poor Mitt Has Only 3 Homes

Not that there’s anything wrong with wealth. Oh, wait, there is something wrong with robber baron wealth. mjh

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