Even Libertarians Make Mistakes

Left and Right, seen as polarized, in same sorry rut by David Boaz

And the No.

1 way liberals and conservatives are alike: Both think they can run your life better than you can.

Liberals want to raise taxes

because they can spend your money better than you can. They don’t believe in school choice because you’re not capable of choosing a

school for your children. They think they can handle your healthcare, your retirement and your charitable contributions better than you


David Boaz is executive vice president of the Cato Institute and author of ”Libertarianism: A Primer” (Free Press,

1997). This article first appeared in the Los Angeles Times.

Bullshit, Boaz. I don’t speak for anyone but myself.

However, as a liberal, I have no interest in running anyone else’s life. I do believe there are some things best done by government and

that everyone who can should pay some share of those costs. I believe in the commonwealth. I’m certain that Duhbya has disproven the

trickle-down, rising tide, piss-on-you-Jack theory.

You may want to read the rest of Boaz’s column. He is very balanced in

discrediting liberals and conservatives; only he knows and speaks the truth. mjh

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