‘Elistist’? Puh-lease!

The word “elitist” has always seemed rather elitist to me. I mean, do “regular people” (the salt of the Earth; das Volk; mi gente) really use the word “elitist”? Does elitism come up regularly in _____ [insert situation that to you best represents the noblest context of “regular people” — is it a bowling alley, a barbershop, a union hall, a foxhole?].

For nearly eight years, America has suffered mightily under the clumsy thumb of Duhbya, born on third base with a silver spoon in his mouth, a spoiled rich kid who caught every break every step of the way. Duhbya is an elitist masquerading as Joe Sixpack, a guy rich enough to have a ranch in the desert on which all he does is clear brush and entertain Saudi royalty.

Every time a brouhaha arises in the next 6 months, ask yourself, what are you being distracted from? Recently, Barack Obama said a lot of Americans are pissed off. OK, he said, “bitter.” They’re pissed off at being lied to and used as canon fodder by elitists who run everything in AmeriCo. And rather than rise up in revolution, as Thomas Jefferson hoped we would, the pissed-off self-medicate with all the opiates of the people. If there is anyone who should be grateful for that fact, it is the Republican Party, the prime purveyor of said opiates.

But, it appears that if you actually do disdain “ordinary people,” you may have good reason for that. If The People let the two richest, most privileged (oldest and whitest) candidates convince them that the poorest, least privileged candidate is “out of touch,” then, once again, The People get what they deserve.

Anyone who votes for John McCain is voting for George Duhbya Bush. It’s that simple. And Hilary Clinton has proved herself to be McCain’s doppleganger in terms of shape-shifting to mesh with the next group of voters. McCain and Clinton are rich. They are elite. They are more of the same.

Is this election another bout of smoke and mirrors? Smash the status quo. Make *real* change.

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