Don’t Be Evil? Google Funding a Slew of Right-Wing Groups | Eye on ALEC, Money & Politics, What Matters Today |

Don’t Be Evil? Google Funding a Slew of Right-Wing Groups | Eye on ALEC, Money & Politics, What Matters Today |

Organizations that received “substantial” funding from Google for the first time over the past year include Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, the Federalist Society, the American Conservative Union (best known for its CPAC conference) and the political arm of the Heritage Foundation that led the charge to shut down the government over the Affordable Care Act: Heritage Action.

In 2013, Google also funded the corporate lobby group, the American Legislative Exchange Council, although that group is not listed as receiving “substantial” funding in the list published by Google.

Don’t Be Evil? Google Funding a Slew of Right-Wing Groups | Eye on ALEC, Money & Politics, What Matters Today |

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