A Modern Fable

Once upon a time, a tortoise and a hare were running for president. The hare ran rings around the tortoise, who griped, “yeah, sure he’s fast, but can he lead?” “Sure he’s a celebrity, but can he lead?” “Sure, he’s beating me, but can he lead?”

The hare didn’t listen the tortoise. (Truthfully, he was so far ahead he could scarcely hear the old crank.) He ran on, steady and true, to the cheers of the massive crowds near the finish line.

Miles, back, the tortoise’s few supporters grumbled. “This tortoise isn’t slow enough.” “He’s shuffling in the wrong direction.” “I miss the prince who turned into a turd.” The tortoise didn’t listen. (He couldn’t really hear all that well.) He plodded on, grumbling about how unfair it was to race a hare with all the advantages hares naturally have in a society dominated by old tortoises.

Closer to the finish line, angry turtles appeared among the crowd. “He’s a celebrity, he can’t lead.” “He’s biased against tortises!” “He hates what we love and loves what we hate.” “The biased media shows him closer to the finish line.” “Tax! Tax! Tax!”

The race was over: the better runner won. It seems celebrity and inspiration aren’t bad ingredients for leadership, whereas whining is for losers. Meanwhile, the tortoises gathered over a cup of old turtle soup to argue how best to undermine the winner. peace, mjh

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