Category Archives: FURG

You have the right to Fuck Ur Gun

The NRA: armed and paranoid

Remember that the NRA was for expanded background checks before they were against them. Flip-floppers that turn whichever way the money flows. Cheap thugs who deserve lots of enemies.

The Strangest NRA Story Yet – The Daily Beast by Michael Tomasky

It virtually goes without saying that the keepers of such lists are always the bullies who survive by fomenting hatred and making sure that their constituents stay in a state of constant agitation. And so it was no surprise to learn over the weekend, via Josh Marshall, that the National Rifle Association has a little list of 497 people and organizations who are in some way, shape, or form anti-gun. It makes for hilarious reading, although it’s sort of frightening to think about the demented minds of the people who assembled it. …

It’s funny, isn’t it, how it’s always people on the right who keep these lists. … [T]he swamps in which these fevers have arisen in our history have been almost entirely right wing. …

The good news is that paranoid psychotics usually do themselves in. McCarthy and Nixon certainly did. I know everyone keeps talking about how powerful the NRA is, and that’s true. But the more they’re in the spotlight, the worse they look. …

The Strangest NRA Story Yet – The Daily Beast

“the stupidest thing anyone has said recently about the Civil Rights Movement…”- Leonard Pitts Jr.

On guns, conservatives rewrite, disrespect African-American history – Leonard Pitts Jr. –

That distinction goes to one Larry Ward, who claimed in an appearance on CNN that Martin Luther King would have supported Ward’s call for a Gun Appreciation Day “if he were alive today.” In other words, the premiere American pacifist of the 20th century would be singing the praises of guns, except that he was shot in the face with one 45 years ago.

Thus do social conservatives continue to rewrite the inconvenient truths of African-American history, repurposing that tale of incandescent triumph and inconsolable woe to make it useful within the crabbed corners of their failed and discredited dogma.

On guns, conservatives rewrite, disrespect African-American history – Leonard Pitts Jr. –

The NRA doesn’t serve its members, it uses them to serve the Gun Industry

The NRA is a corporate shill.

Senator Catches NRA Head In Epic Flip Flop | ThinkProgress

While NRA leadership opposes universal background checks, its members back the change. A national survey conducted by Johns Hopkins University found that “89 percent of all respondents, and 75 percent of those identified as NRA members, support universal background checks for gun sales. Similar surveys by Pew Research Center and Gallup have also found background checks to be by far the most popular gun control proposal in the aftermath the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.”


Here is a copy of the ad the NRA took out in 1999 saying, “We think it’s reasonable to provide for instant checks at gun shows just like at gun stores and pawn shops.”


The NRA broke its commitment to support background checks for “every sale” and lobbied for a watered down provision in 1999.

Senator Catches NRA Head In Epic Flip Flop | ThinkProgress

The NRA are cowards afraid of data and facts

 What We Don’t Know Is Killing Us –

But that is precisely what the National Rifle Association and other opponents of firearms regulation do not want. In the absence of reliable data and data-driven policy recommendations, talk about guns inevitably lurches into the unknown, allowing abstractions, propaganda and ideology to fill the void and thwart change.

The research freeze began at a time when the C.D.C. was making strides in studying gun violence as a public health problem. Before that, the issue had been regarded mainly as a law enforcement challenge or as a problem of disparate acts by deranged offenders, an approach that remains in sync with the N.R.A. worldview.

Public health research emphasizes prevention of death, disability and injury. It focuses not only on the gun user, but on the gun, in much the same way that public health efforts to reduce motor vehicle deaths have long focused on both drivers and cars.

The goal is to understand a health threat and identify lifesaving interventions. At their most basic, gun policy recommendations would extend beyond buying and owning a gun (say, background checks and safe storage devices) to manufacturing (childproofing and other federal safety standards) and distribution (stronger antitrafficking laws), as well as educating and enlisting parents, physicians, teachers and other community leaders to talk about the risks and responsibilities of gun ownership. …

To understand and prevent motor vehicle deaths, for instance, the government tracks more than 100 variables per fatal crash, including the make, model and year of the vehicles, the speed and speed limit, the location of passengers, seat belt use and air bag deployment.

Guns deaths do not get such scrutiny. That does not mean we do not know enough to act. The evidence linking gun prevalence and violent death is strong and compelling; international comparisons are also instructive.

But we need more data to formulate, analyze and evaluate policy to focus on what works and to refine or reject what does not. How many guns are stolen? How do guns first get diverted into illegal hands? How many murderers would have passed today’s background checks? What percentage of criminal gun traces are accounted for by, say, the top 5 percent of gun dealers? How many households possess firearms: is it one-third as some surveys suggest, or one-half?

What We Don’t Know Is Killing Us –

“We have a strong tradition of gun ownership in this country, and the vast majority of gun owners act responsibly.” — how dare that fascist! #furg

The NRA lies for the profit of its real constituency: the manufacturers and sellers. Meanwhile, fools spread fear about “orders” and loss of freedom. On this day of service, many strut with guns.

President Obama’s Weekly Address: Now Is The Time to Take Action Against Gun Violence | The White House

Like most Americans, I believe the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. We have a strong tradition of gun ownership in this country, and the vast majority of gun owners act responsibly.

But I also believe most gun owners agree that we can respect the Second Amendment while keeping an irresponsible, law-breaking few from causing harm on a massive scale. That’s what these reforms are designed to do.

Weekly Address: Now Is The Time to Take Action Against Gun Violence | The White House

NRA President Blames Obama For ‘Hundreds’ Of Death Threats | ThinkProgress

I almost laugh when I hear conservatives whine about harsh rhetoric. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. More poetic than “he hit me first,” which is also true. Aggressive lying from the conservatives goes back at least to Vice Thug Agnew. Are we tired of this shit after 50 years — yes we are. Let conservatives show us what moderation looks like. (They don’t know.) peace, mjh

NRA President Blames Obama For ‘Hundreds’ Of Death Threats | ThinkProgress

Meanwhile, the NRA have been conspicuously absent in issuing condemnations of their own members who have threatened lawmakers who support more gun regulations in the last few weeks.

NRA President Blames Obama For ‘Hundreds’ Of Death Threats | ThinkProgress