Category Archives: Health

Do you think a company that puts flame retardant in beverages cares about you? (Brominated Vegetable Oil)

Or that any corporation nourishes you instead of its stockholders? Want pink slime with that?

Food Politics » Brominated Vegetable Oil: R.I.P. (let’s hope)

PepsiCo announced that it would remove Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) from Gatorade and replace it with something less potentially harmful.

BVO, a flame retardant, keeps keep flavor oils in suspension and provides a cloudy appearance in soft drinks.

Food Politics » Brominated Vegetable Oil: R.I.P. (let’s hope)

Nearly a third of health coverage applications are denied in NM – Albuquerque Business First

In our household, the rate is 50%.

Nearly a third of health coverage applications are denied in NM – Albuquerque Business First by Dennis Domrzalski, Reporter- Albuquerque Business First

New Mexico has one of the highest rates at which health insurers reject applications for coverage, says a California-based public advocacy organization.

Insurers in New Mexico rejected applications for individual and family coverage at the rate of 30 percent, well above the national average of 22 percent, according to the study by HealthPocket, an online organization that ranks health plans across the nation. That rejection rate put New Mexico in 6th place among the states and the District of Columbia, the study said.

Montana had the highest rejection rate at 45 percent.

Nearly a third of health coverage applications are denied in NM – Albuquerque Business First

Modern wheat is a poison

We’re both doing well with a largely wheat-free diet. peace, mjh

Better than any NSAID | Wheat Belly Blog

Modern wheat is the perfect inflammation-provoking food. It inflames joints, skin, airways, sinuses, ileum, pancreas, arteries, even brain. And it does so via several means:

1) Gliadin–Due to gliadin’s unique capacity to “unlock” the normal intestinal barriers to foreign substances, numerous foreign polypeptides and other molecules gain access to your bloodstream, some of which are intrinsically inflammatory, while others trigger autoimmunity (causing the body’s immune system to attack its own organs).

2) Wheat germ agglutinin–The abnormal bowel permeability caused by wheat gliadin is amplified by the direct intestinal toxicity of wheat germ agglutinin. This allows wheat germ agglutinin itself to enter the bloodstream, where it is highly toxic (fatal in microgram quantities if injected directly).

3) Amylopectin A–The high glycemic (blood glucose) potential and, even worse, its insulinotrophic (insulin-provoking) effect result in growth of visceral abdominal fat, the sort of fat that is inflammatory, emitting inflammation-mediating proteins into the bloodstream and thereby amplifying inflammation in other parts of the body.

4) Disruptions of bowel flora–All three above wheat components disrupt bowel flora which, in turn, cultivates inflammatory responses in the intestine that are “exported” to the rest of the body. These data are still preliminary, but promise to be among the most exciting insights into how bowel flora impacts health. Disturbed bowel flora may be intrinsically unhealthy, but their metabolites that gain access to the bloodstream introduce another layer of unhealthy effects.

Believe it or not, there are even more ways wheat provokes inflammation. The means by which, for example, wheat gliadin (“gluten”) causes destruction of cerebral tissue resulting in the dementia of “gluten encephalopathy” likely involves several other brain-inflaming pathways.

Better than any NSAID | Wheat Belly Blog

This is the short version of some of the information in Wheat Belly by Dr Davis.

DASH Diet Ranked Best Overall — FWIW

Merri and I both recommend the Wheat Belly approach: eliminate all wheat.

DASH Diet Ranked Best Overall — See What’s Second

A new ranking of diets by U.S. News & World Report gives top honors for best overall diet to the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet.

Originally developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to lower blood pressure, the diet plan is available free online. …

experts say some Americans might have a problem sticking to a diet that requires giving up processed foods and sugary drinks.

DASH Diet Ranked Best Overall — See What’s Second

“Experts”? Pffft. Stop drinking colas and juices. Drink plenty of filtered tap water from a glass (no plastic).

Health Insurance Exchanges go online in 2013

Health Reform: What’s Coming in 2013

Health Insurance Exchanges Go Online

The big story to watch in 2013 will be the development of state-based health insurance exchanges. These marketplaces will allow uninsured people and small businesses to shop for, compare, and enroll in health plans. Only through the exchanges will people learn if they qualify for and can take advantage of  federal tax subsidies to help cover the cost of insurance. Exchanges must be up and running by Oct. 1, 2013, and it’s going to be a mad rush to get the job done.

States were given the option to build their own exchanges and had until Dec. 14 to decide. Just 18 states and the District of Columbia agreed to build their own. Seven states have opted for a partnership exchange, a model where the states and federal government work together to operate the marketplace. That leaves the federal government to put in place health insurance exchanges in the remaining 25 states that declined to participate.

Health Reform: What’s Coming in 2013

Good news, everybody: The Link Between Chocolate & the Nobel Prize

The Link Between Chocolate & the Nobel Prize

By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Oct. 10, 2012 — Eat chocolate, win a Nobel Prize?

It may sound far-fetched, but a new study suggests it might not be bad advice.

The results show countries that eat the most chocolate also have the highest number of Nobel laureates per capita.

Researchers say the idea stems from several studies that have shown a group of antioxidants known as flavonoids can improve thinking ability.

Cocoa and chocolate are rich in a subgroup of flavonoids known as flavanols. These antioxidants are also found in green tea and red wine.

Recent studies have suggested that flavanols seem to slow down and even reverse the decline in thinking ability that comes with age.

Some research has also shown that flavonoids can improve blood flow to the brain, which may help it perform better.

The Link Between Chocolate & the Nobel Prize

Not so much gluten-free as wheat-free

I’m persuaded by the book Wheat Belly by Dr Davis and by my own experience that something is wrong with modern wheat and whatever that is affects many of us. Eschewing wheat is more than a low-carbohydrate diet.

Just add water: Instant diabetes reversal | Wheat Belly Blog

Eat the wheat with its gliadin protein and experience incessant, around-the-clock hunger. Eat the wheat with its amylopectin A and experience sky-high blood sugars. Eat the wheat with its gliadin and experience body-wide inflammation that, among many other consequences, causes water retention. Eat the wheat with the gliadin that “unlocks” the normal intestinal barriers, allowing foreign substances into the bloodstream, while also allowing water to leak into the bowel itself and causing bowel urgency and diarrhea.

Hunger, increased appetite for carbohydrates, higher blood sugar and insulin, inflammation, water retention, autoimmunity, diarrhea–all from “healthy whole grains.”

Just add water: Instant diabetes reversal | Wheat Belly Blog