Category Archives: Election

Bush’s Little Bombs

Bush in ‘Nature’ on New Nukes by John Fleck

There’s one question in particular — on nuclear weapons — that’s of direct relevance to the New Mexico scientific enterprise:

Do you support research into new nuclear-weapon designs in the United States? If not, how do you see the future role of the three nuclear-weapons labs? …

Kerry’s response to Nature’s question was clear and unambiguous: “I would end the pursuit of a new generation of nuclear weapons.”

[Bush’s response:] “The Nuclear Posture Review released by my administration in January 2002 noted that the nation?s nuclear infrastructure had atrophied since the end of the cold war and that the evolving security environment requires a flexible and responsive weapons-complex infrastructure. To that end, my fiscal-year 2005 budget reflects an increase over 2004 in weapons activities.”

I think it is good of John to bring this issue up again. Do you vote for your pocketbook or saving the world from ‘tactical nuclear weapons’ (as in, ‘we have them, why not use them?’ and ‘oops, we’ve misplaced several.’) Just how smart are those lab rats?

On the other hand, I disagree with John; Bush couldn’t be more clear — he will build little bombs and use them. It is funny to see Bush take a hundred words to say something and Kerry only a dozen. mjh

[Follow the link above to John’s blog entry and from there to his original article and the Nature questionaire submitted to Bush & Kerry.]

Bush IS a goner

Give 'em Hell, Kerry!

Michael : Mike’s Message : Messages
Put Away Your Hankies…a message from Michael Moore

Dear Friends,

Enough of the handwringing! Enough of the doomsaying! Do I have to come there and personally calm you down? Stop with all the defeatism, OK? Bush IS a goner — IF we all just quit our whining and bellyaching and stop shaking like a bunch of nervous ninnies. Geez, this is embarrassing! The Republicans are laughing at us. Do you ever see them cry, “Oh, it’s all over! We are finished! Bush can’t win! Waaaaaa!”

Hell no. It’s never over for them….

There are three reasons why the polls are b.s.:

One, they are polling “likely voters.” “Likely” means those who have consistently voted in the past few elections. So that cuts out young people who are voting for the first time and a ton of non-voters who are definitely going to vote in THIS election.

Second, they are not polling people who use their cell phone as their primary phone. Again, that means they are not talking to young people.

Finally, most of the polls are weighted with too many Republicans, as pollster John Zogby revealed last week. You are being snookered if you believe any of these polls. …

Traveling around the country, as I’ve been doing, I gotta tell ya, there is a hell of a lot of unrest out there. Much of it is not being captured by the mainstream press. But it is simmering and it is real. …

WAKE UP! The majority are with us! More than half of all Americans are pro-choice, want stronger environmental laws, are appalled that assault weapons are back on the street — and 54% now believe the war is wrong. YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE TO CONVINCE THEM OF ANY OF THIS — YOU JUST HAVE TO GIVE THEM A RAY OF HOPE AND A RIDE TO THE POLLS. CAN YOU DO THAT? WILL YOU DO THAT?

Wilson Says One Thing, Does Another

ABQjournal: ‘Independent’ Rarely Strays from Party Line By David Alire Garcia, Of the Journal

In reality, Wilson’s six-year record of voting in Congress reveals a loyal, dependable vote for the official Republican Party position on the overwhelming majority of issues. Much more so than either of the Republican congressmen who represented Albuquerque before her.

Last year, Wilson voted with the House Republican leadership 91 percent of the time according to vote-tabulating researchers at Congressional Quarterly. The year before that, 90 percent of the time. The year before that, 94 percent.

The Albuquerque-based 1st Congressional District that Wilson represents isn’t a 90-percent-plus Republican district. It’s nearly evenly split between those who prefer Democratic ideas and candidates versus those who prefer Republican ones.

The late Steve Schiff and Manuel Lujan, both Republicans, voted the party line a lot less. …

“She is essentially a fairly conservative Republican,” former Republican Gov. David Cargo told me shortly after Wilson’s first debate with her Democratic challenger, state Sen. Richard Romero, last Sunday.

At the debate, Wilson insisted that she “frequently” crosses party lines.

Alpert’s Truth: Consumer Reporting for Voters

Heather First To Pull Trigger; Unleashes Negative TV On Romero –

[A] political junkie told me that “Heather has been the first to go negative in her past two campaigns, so I am not surprised.”

Wilson polls at 49%, Romero at 45%. She’s not going to take any chances.

Joe Monahan Slips

Like a lot of others, I have made it my habit to read Joe Monahan’s blog on New Mexico politics regularly. Sure, I’ve been bothered by the cheesy ads, which now have crept into the daily headings, but the meat has kept me coming (note to advertisers: I will actively avoid you).

I started feeling uneasy after Joe seemed to give Duhbya such glowing reviews for his appearances in New Mexico and his alleged post-convention bounce. And I was disappointed that he didn’t reply to an email question about protests during Duhbya’s visit. No, I don’t expect Joe to oppose Duhbya, but I had come to expect balance that suddenly seemed lacking.

Now, today, Joe has really gone too far. He has linked Judge Wendy York with Judge John Brennan. In other words, he has equated her with a convicted drug user. She deserves better. Judge Wendy York, cancer survivor, is one of the most respected judges in New Mexico. I agree she fucked up on this, but that shouldn’t be equated with Rush Limbaugh’s drug addiction (hmm, wait, I don’t recall Republicans calling for Lush’s ouster). A career is made up of many actions; this one should not end hers.

Note that the Republican’s could have brought this info out before the ruling but slyly waited until it went against them. Clever dicks.

Joe’s not just reporting, he’s spinning. Say it ain’t so, Joe. mjh

Joe replies:

“It ain’t so,” Mark. Judge York herself saw the light and decided to withdraw her ruling keeping Nader off the ballot. It was an unfortunate ethical lapse and even more damning coming on the heels of the Brennan affair and the questionable Thompson Voter ID ruling. Her lapse was not equivalent to Brennan’s misdeed and I did not say they were, only that our district court should be on red alert after that fiasco which severely damaged it in the public eye.

I am not going to carry water for any of the Prez candidates. Bush undeniably had a successful visit here. His poll numbers reflect that as well as the screw-ups of the Kerry campaign. Be assured, that I will continue to call them as I see them without regard to party affiliation. Keep up the good work.


Very Interesting Electoral Development

Colorado Initiative Could Be Key to Presidential Race ( Jo Becker, Washington Post Staff Writer

On the Nov. 2 ballot is a voter-driven initiative to amend Colorado’s constitution and make it the first state in the nation to award electoral votes based on the percentage of the popular vote each candidate wins, effective this election. That could have a profound impact on who is elected president.

It means that Kerry could lose the state but still win four of its nine electoral votes, according to Democratic backers and Republican opponents. That prospect has prompted the GOP to mount a fierce challenge to the initiative even as they prepare for a possible post-Election Day legal showdown.

Leave it to the GOP to fight the will of the people on this. This is, of course, the way the whole nation is headed. It is a way to keep the old electoral system while updating it to proportionality. mjh