Book ’em, Dan-o

This week, working on the book, I had alternating periods of productivity and backsliding as I cut out some of the text I had written. Early in the week, I struggled with a chapter on computer utilities. I want this book to be practical and I don’t regard many of Windows’ utilities practical for my needs. But I recognize that some of those utilities are very important among people supporting other users, especially on a network. I risk disappointing the more technical reader either by leaving out some tools or putting them in with a caveat to the more general reader, whom I risk insulting by suggesting this may be “more than you need.” But, hell, there are things here that I’ve never, ever needed.

On the other hand, I had great fun with the Photo Gallery chapter. This new application contains many cool features for working with photographs, as well as some maddening inconsistencies between it and other applications.

Next week, another dreadline, er, deadline. mjh

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